Employees love Billdog

Billdog empowers your employees by removing the hassle and stress of confusing medical bills. The service is low-cost and makes it easy for your HR manager and employees to get help and start saving money.

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Employees Love Billdog

Easy and low-cost way to supercharge the health benefit plan
Complements High Deductible, Gap, and HSA Easy for employees to get help on any medical bill they see
Promote financial wellness  
Remove stress and save time and money
Remove difficult and sensitive medical bill and claims-related issues from the HR team
Save employees thousands of dollars
When emergency or catastrophic issues happen
Get help with confusing medical bills from home

What our members say

"Thank you so much! I appreciate your help looking into this for me getting the additional information. This would have taken me forever."

Victor S.
Chicago, IL

Charges Written off by provider
Thank you for your help ! I was confused why the charges showed up and had no idea they had already been written off.
Jack M.
Seattle, WA

Fraud Detection
Thank you for all your hard work, this has been a great process and now I understand my medical bill.
Noreen O.
Grand Rapids, MI

Verification of Hospital EOB
Thank you! I appreciate your assistance in resolving this balance. Have a wonderful day !
Carl B.
Morrisville, NJ

Failed Pre-Certification
Thank you for staying on top of all of this and keeping me updated. I really appreciate it.
Emerson W.
Phoenix, AZ

Credit Bureau Intervention
OMG... this is AWESOME! Thank you so much. What a relief.
Bobby G.
Wichita, KS

Bill Negotiation for out of network charge
We thank you so much for all you've  done to help us resolve this claim. What an awesome result ! 
Esther J.
Gainsville, FL

Timely filing dispute, balances written off

Billdog handles confusing medical bills for employees

Next generation technology makes it easy for employees and HR to start a bill review by sending a medical bill or EOB. Billdog works for employees, spouses, dependents! 

Billing & Coding Errors

Out-of-network charges & upcodes

Incorrect procedures / diagnosis codes

Claims Issues

Failed pre certification

Claims resubmissions & reconsiderations

Benefits Support

Deductible, co-pay, coinsurance, coding, diagnosis & billing questions of all kinds

Sensitive Topics

Mental Health

Chronic Illness

Men's/Women's Issues

Complex Medical


Hospital, ER, pregnancy


Difficult Situations

Workers comp

Timely filing

Modifiers eg. telemed